Here at High Tide Contracting we are dedicated to servicing all your HVAC needs while improving the longevity and condition of those corresponding components. Regular maintenance and upkeep are an ideal way of ensuring that system longevity is achieved while educating homeowners on their systems and keeping them informed on how to utilize system life expectancy at the same time. It is added assurance that these systems will flourish and take care of you longer when they are taken care of regularly.
We offer annual maintenance packages for our HVAC services in different tier packages. Listed below are each of our options and their targeted areas serviced check listed during these maintenance visits and the conditions of those areas notated during the visits. This allows the homeowners to stay informed on areas that are in good standing and informed on areas that need attention soon.
HVAC Diamond Package
This package covers a semiannual inspection of all listed components, ducting inspection, indoor and outdoor coil cleaning (one of the visits) and a water heater drain and fill (one of the visits). * BEST VALUE*
HVAC Platinum Package
This package covers a semiannual inspection of all listed components and indoor and outdoor coil cleaning at one of the inspections.
HVAC Gold Package
This package covers a semiannual inspection of all listed components including ducting system, coil cleaning not included.
HVAC Silver Package
This package covers single visit annual inspection of HVAC system components with condensing and evaporator coil cleaning (does not include ducting system inspection).
HVAC Bronze Package
This package covers a single visit annual inspection of indoor and outdoor components (ducting inspection and coil cleanings not included).
We also offer services separately such as coil cleanings, refrigerant and pressure checks, water heater flushes, etc. Inquire within the office to inquire about our individual services. If you are interested in signing up for any of the service packages, please contact us at 757-942-1614 today!
**Inquire for pricing
The HVAC checklist entails our technicians coming out and inspecting the following areas and their components (components vary by package) and stating their condition and notating suggestions (if any) for each area: